Our Story -> Chapter 1
Hey there – I’m Kelly, and I’m the lucky person who gets to be called the Founder of PeopleGetters. This Winning Work community was born much like my own children were – it took a long time, it was kind of painful, there were a lot of people involved, mistakes...

Staying at home -> Growing a gap
Every day you stay home only raising your children, your professional value lessens. Every day you stay home raising your children, your professional experience gap grows. This is truth. Stop choosing the fairy tale that your professional value as a Stay at Home Parent is equal to what someone else...

What the heck is “winning work” anyway?
Work life balance is dead. It was never alive to begin with, either. It is time for us to stop striving for something that is nonexistent. But you know what is possible? Winning work. At PeopleGetters, winning work is what we believe in. It is the pursuit of excellence every...